Tuesday, November 3, 2009

About Dang Time!!

We finally signed the paperwork for our house today. No more waiting for people to get their act together, stupid reasons to slow the process down, no more having to extend our lease over and over and no more having to just sit and wait. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, let me fill you in......

We got the bid on this house back in the very beginning of July. (That's right I said July) Well, we ended up getting a HUD house a.k.a. government (need I say more). HUD didn't get their act together to sign their part of the docs till the end of August. After that we kept on getting stupid reasons for why the process was taking so long such as: HUD hasn't paid all the back dues and we're not allowed to pay them (took them over a month to pay them), HUD changed some policies that they haven't announced but our lender wanted to put them into effect on us, there was a zip code change (back in January) so it took about a week to get that fixed and it took so long we had to get reapproved. So frustrating!!! My dad suggested us sending a letter to Glenn Beck explaining our situation and likening it to how scary healthcare would be if it was government run and I seriously considered it.

After 118 days of waiting we finally sigend the closing docs today. I am just so happy for this ordeal to be over with. We have been eating fast food every night since the beginning of September because I packed all the food back in August when we were first told we were going to sign. I have learned to have a lot more patience from this experience. I'm so thankful for such an awesome husband who kept telling me it would be worth it in the end. He was right, if it wasn't for the smoking deal we got on the house I probably would have walked away from it a long time ago. Now we can start focusing on paint and flooring instead of wondering if we would ever sign the closing docs on the house.